Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Top 7 Worst Car Crashes by Celebrities

Did you know that 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year? That’s over 3,000 deaths per day. 

You may think that you’ll never be someone who gets into a car crash, but clearly, the statistics show otherwise.

In fact, no matter what kind of car you drive or how safely you drive, no one is immune to car crashes, even celebrities.

That’s right, there have been plenty of celebrities who have experienced terrible car crashes.

Don’t believe us?

Check out this article to learn about the worst car crashes involving celebrities.

  1. Lindsay Lohan 

We’re all well aware of the post-Parent Trap crazy phase that Lindsay Lohan went through, complete with drunken debauchery, drug benders, and fights with the paparazzi.

During the height of Lohan’s crazy days, she also got into an awful car crash. The crash took place between Lindsay Lohan’s Mercedes SLG65 and a minivan. Initially, the wreck was blamed on the paparazzi. However, the police ruled this possibility out the very next day.

The real story is that Lohan was driving drunk on Sunset Boulevard when she lost control of her vehicle.

But, the accident with her Mercedez was just the beginning of Lohan’s bad luck with cars.

In 2010, Lohan hit a baby stroller in West Hollywood. In 2012, she hit a car outside a club, and later that year, she slammed into an 18-wheeler, claiming that her breaks failed.

Later in 2012, she hit a man standing outside of the Dream Hotel in Hollywood.

in 2015, Lohan decided to turn her misfortune into money by signing on as a spokeswoman for Esurance, a car insurance company that’s a subsidiary of All-State.

Hopefully, Lohan puts this money towards hiring a good personal injury lawyer in the event she gets into another accident.

  1. Paul Walker 

Growing up, we all knew Paul Walker as the leading face of the Fast and Furious franchise.

Unfortunately, Paul Walker is now just as famous for his death as he is his life.

On November 30th, 2013, Paul Walker left a charity event with his friend Roger Rodas in a Porsche Carrera GT. Shortly after, Rodas crashed the car into a lampost at a suspected speed of 80 mph. No drugs or alcohol were found in either man’s system, and both perished at the site of the crash.

Rodas died of multiple trauma while Walker died of trauma and burns.

While many conspiracy theories and suspicions loomed around the tragic accident, it was eventually concluded that their deaths resulted from the car’s speed and the age of the tires.

  1. James Dean 

James Dean is one of the most famous actors of all time.

Yet, the life of this enigmatic actor was cut tragically short at the age of 24.

In September of 1955, 24-year-old Dean was cruising down Route 466. He collided with another car, and unfortunately, he died at the scene.

Fellow actor and concerned friend Alec Guinness had just told Dean the week before, “If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it this time next week”.

Unfortunately, Guinness was right.

  1. Grace Kelly 

Famed Hollywood actress later turned royalty, Grace Kelly is another celebrity who was also involved in a fatal car accident.

In the summer of 1982, Grace Kelly was driving back to her home in when she suffered a stroke. As a result of the stroke, Kelly lost control of the vehicle and drove off a 120-foot cliff.

Her daughter Stephanie, who was in the passenger seat, tried to regain control of the vehicle but failed.

While Stephanie suffered from a concussion and a hairline fracture, Grace Kelly, unfortunately, suffered from injuries to the femur, brain, and spine that eventually took her life the following evening.

  1. Nick Hogan 

There are celebrities who crashed their vehicles to due no fault of their own, and then there are celebrities who crashed their vehicles due to complete recklessness.

Nick Hogan, son of infamous wrestler Hulk Hogan, falls into the latter category.

Nick Hogan, as so many over-privileged children of celebrities choose to do, decided to drag race his Toyota with some friends.

He promptly lost control of the vehicle and nearly killed (and permanently disabled) one of his closest friends who was not wearing a seatbelt. And yes, he had been drinking as well.

Just like many celebrities, Nick got off pretty easy, only serving 6 months of a 5-year prison sentence.

  1. Michael Phelps 

Michael Phelps swimming abilities may be world class, but his driving abilities leave something to be desired.

Back in 2009, Michael Phelps rear-ended someone with his Cadillac Escalade. While there was some speculation about him being high at the time of the accident, police eventually ruled that the accident was not actually Phelps’ fault.

However, in the process of the investigation, police discovered that Phelps was driving with an invalid license. Luckily, no one was injured in the accident. But, we still think it’s safe to say that Phelps should stick to water as his main mode of transportation.

  1. Matthew Broderick

Last but not least, we have Matthew Broderick, star of one of the greatest 80s movies Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

In 1987, Broderick and his then-girlfriend, Jennifer Grey, collided head-on with another vehicle while vacationing in Ireland.

Two passengers, a mother and daughter, were killed in the other vehicle. Broderick was fined with careless driving.

Worst Car Crashes: Which of These Do You Know? 

As you can see, celebrities, just like everyone else in the world, aren’t immune to car crashes.

Which of these worst car crashes did you know beforehand? Which of these is news to you?

The post Top 7 Worst Car Crashes by Celebrities appeared first on Motorward.