Monday, June 24, 2019

#91, Sacramento vintage car collector Andy Harris

Andy Harris lives and works in Sacramento, California. He’s owned United Attorneys’ Services for many years, and he shares two of the same pastimes as the co-hosts of The Weekly Driver Podcast. Harris is a veteran long-distance runner and he’s a vintage car collector.

Harris is our guest on Episode #91 of our weekly conversations about all things in the automotive industry.

The Weekly Driver Podcast
Bruce Aldrich and James Raia host another episode of The Weekly Driver Podcast.

Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia discuss with Harris the particulars of the four vastly different cars he owns. How about a 1959 Crown Imperial? Or consider Harris’ 1973 Citroen SM or his 1991 Mazda Miata. And for a daily driver, how about Harris’choice of a 2013 Fiat 500 Abarth?

While all of his cars attract attention, the behemoth Chrysler Crown Imperial gets the largest share of onlookers and curiosity seekers.

“Even if you’re just going to get a tank of gas, you had better not be in a hurry,” says Harris of the vehicle he inherited from his grandmother. “The Imperial is 19 1/2 feet long and 7 1/2-feet wide. It’s spent its entire life in Sacramento. People who are in their 70s and 80s will walk up and know the car. I have to open the hood. It’s a conversation piece. I always get surrounded.”

The recently 1973 Citroen SM is Harris’ fourth Citroen. With its 6-cylinder 3.0-liter, 185-horsepower engine, the Citroen SM is among the most polarizing cars of its time.

“You either think they look hideous or you think they’re the most beautiful car you’ve ever seen,” Harris says. “They’re really polarizing. I really love the car. I am a lover of all things quirky and unusual and nothing is more unusual and quirkier than a Citroen?

Harris also owns a 1991 Mazda Miata and a 2013 Fiat 500 Abarth.

Being a vintage car collector has sspecific requirement. We discuss with Harris his cars’ legacies — maintenance to insurance, history to the overall enjoyment of driving vintage cars.

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