Monday, June 10, 2019

Wrong Fuel: What to do if you put petrol into a diesel

It’s happened to even the best of motorists. They’re tired after a long drive or they are stressed because the kids are fighting in the backseat or they are distracted by their cell phone.

Suddenly, they look up to realize that they’ve been pumping petrol into their diesel car. It’s easy to pump petrol into a diesel because the pump nozzle fits right into the filler necks of most cars.

Realizing that you’ve misfueled your car can be alarming. You might not be sure what will happen to your car or what to do. However, it is important to keep in mind that misfueling is very common.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’ve put petrol in your diesel car, keep the following information in mind.

What will happen?

When petrol is first put into a tank, it will at first float on top of whatever remaining diesel fuel is in the tank before gradually dispersing into the diesel. Once the petrol has dispersed, your chances of damaging grow higher.

If not dealt with properly, petrol fuel will damage your fuel system. Whenever petrol mixes with diesel, it decreases lubrication and causes metal parts within your fuel system to rub together.

If you start your engine, the mix of petrol and diesel will circulate throughout your fuel system and cause damage to your engine. Depending on the damage done, you might end up needing to replace your engine, filters, fuel tank, fuel pump, and injectors.

I caught it right away — now what?

The best case scenario is that you realize your mistake while you’re at the gas station, preferably as soon as you’ve stopped pumping. Realizing your mistake right away will allow you to minimize the damage and seek help right away.

If you immediately realize what you’ve done, do not start your car. Turning your engine will start circulating the petrol. You’ll want to put your car into neutral and push your car into a parking spot away from the gas pumps.

Once you’re in a safe spot, you’re going to need to seek professional help. Do not attempt to siphon the fuel yourself, because siphoning will not remove all of the petrol.

A professional service will be able to drain your fuel tank. Services such as Fuel Doctor UK ( send certified technicians out who are trained to remove petrol from diesel tanks.

Once the petrol is drained, you’ll be able to fill your tank and drive away.

I started to drive – now what?

If you start driving, you’ll likely realize your mistake right away. You’ll start hearing your engine make noises and your car might even stop moving.

If this happens, the most important thing is to stay calm. Safely pull your car off to the side of the road and turn the ignition off. The further the petrol gets into your car’s system, the higher the chances are that it will cause damage.

Once you’re pulled over, your next step is to call a professional service. They will send a technician out as soon as possible to flush the contaminated fuel out of your system. They’ll also be able to draw the correct fluid through your engine and see if any damage has occurred.

Depending on how quickly you caught your mistake, it is possible that damage will be at a minimal.

Other tips and tricks

Don’t panic!

Whatever your situation, don’t panic! Misfueling is a common mistake and there are plenty of people that walk away with minimal damage to their car. There are even stories of individuals driving all the way home with the wrong fuel and not causing any damage to their engine.

Staying calm will help prevent accidents and other damages to your car.

Check your insurance policy

Misfueling can be expensive. You’ll need to pay for the service you use and pay for any damages caused to your car. However, some insurance companies help with some of the costs. See if misfueling is covered under your accidental damage feature.

Reduce Your Risk

One of the easiest ways to avoid putting petrol into your diesel car is to check the fuel grade indicator on the pump as soon as you arrive at the gas station. Don’t assume the colors of the hoses are always the same type of gas.

If you’re using a different car than usual, a different station than usual, or a different brand of gas, always check to make sure you have the right type of fuel.

The post Wrong Fuel: What to do if you put petrol into a diesel appeared first on Motorward.