Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Need help

When my transmission gets warmed up It starts messing up,I loose overdrive and it takes forever to take off at a dead stop. When I bought it and got to look everything i Seen that there were some wire from the transmission main plug exposed and touching , I don't know if it shorted the TCM out or what if anyone can help and let me know how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it
When my transmission gets warmed up It starts messing up,I loose overdrive and it takes forever to take off at a dead stop. When I bought it and got to look everything i Seen that there were some wire from the transmission main plug exposed and touching , I don't know if it shorted the TCM out or what if anyone can help and let me know how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it
Wed, 01 Sep 2021 02:34:51 +0000
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