Sunday, April 3, 2022

DIY ATF flush on '09 five speed

Can someone provide a good link for DIY ATF flush for my '09 Ram five speed? I have had success on other vehicles by draining the pan, replacing filter, refilling, disconnecting the cooler line (inlet or return?), and them pumping/replacing two quarts at a time. Looking at the cooler plumbing on my truck, I am a bit confused on the simplest and cleanest way to accomplish this. Thank you in advance.
Can someone provide a good link for DIY ATF flush for my '09 Ram five speed? I have had success on other vehicles by draining the pan, replacing filter, refilling, disconnecting the cooler line (inlet or return?), and them pumping/replacing two quarts at a time. Looking at the cooler plumbing on my truck, I am a bit confused on the simplest and cleanest way to accomplish this. Thank you in advance.
Sun, 03 Apr 2022 12:07:18 +0000
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