Sunday, July 2, 2023


Hey guys I have an 89 150 and my A/C an issue... The system is full and everything works the lines are freezing cold going to the truck from compressor BUT the air coming into the cab isn't that cold ....I've noticed that my compressor isn't cycling at all.... Question is "Should my compressor cycle?" It's been converted a long time ago to 134. I replaced the cycling switch with one from a salvaged truck.... Any thoughts on what's going on...Thanks for any input
Hey guys I have an 89 150 and my A/C an issue... The system is full and everything works the lines are freezing cold going to the truck from compressor BUT the air coming into the cab isn't that cold ....I've noticed that my compressor isn't cycling at all.... Question is "Should my compressor cycle?" It's been converted a long time ago to 134. I replaced the cycling switch with one from a salvaged truck.... Any thoughts on what's going on...Thanks for any input
Sun, 02 Jul 2023 16:50:58 +0000
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